Current economic conditions have made saving money for future generations less of a priority for many people. However, you can still incorporate it into your long-term financial plans. So, let’s get to the bottom of how to build generational wealth.

What Is Generational Wealth?

Good memories and a healthy gene pool are two of the most valuable things you can leave behind for your loved ones when you pass away. However, generational wealth refers primarily to the monetary assets you leave behind. So, if you can leave something for your children or grandchildren when you pass away, you are passing your family’s wealth down through generations.

Why It Matters And The Potential Difficulties

Why should you care about leaving your wealth to your children or grandchildren? The simple answer is that you will improve their lives because humans experience more freedom and less stress when they don’t have to worry about money. A common sentiment among parents who were brought up without a lot of money is that they don’t want their children to go through the same difficulties that they did.

However, passing wealth down to future generations does not ensure they will never encounter financial hardship. Unfortunately, an estimated 70% of generational wealth is lost by the second generation and 90% by the third generation.

How To Build Generational Wealth

Before planning for future generations, determine how much money you’ll need for retirement and other obligations. When you’ve figured out how to pay for your golden years, it’s time to start saving for your offspring!

Consider Making A Real Estate Investment

One great strategy to accumulate wealth over the long run is to purchase real estate. Real estate is a solid investment option for those who want regular income and long-term growth.

Consider this as a way to provide financial security for your children in the future.

Create A Business That You May Pass On To Your Successors

If your children’s interests and abilities match yours, you can pass down your family-owned business to them when you can no longer manage it. To guarantee a smooth transition, involve your child in the business from a young age.

If your children aren’t interested in taking over your business, you may choose to sell the company and pass that money down to them.

Your Child’s Education Should Be A Priority

Invest in your children’s education because that is what will enable them to support themselves and (hopefully) avoid financial troubles.

No matter what challenges a person faces during their life, nobody can take away their education. If you can help your children graduate debt-free, you are providing them a financial advantage over their peers.

Teach Your Children About Personal Finance

It’s never too early to start teaching your children about financial literacy! Have open conversations, buy them books that will teach them about saving, and offer them guidance around financial decisions.

Maximize The Benefits Of Life Insurance

Buying life insurance today will help safeguard your children’s finances. If you die unexpectedly, life insurance will protect your family from financial woes to some extent. Take time to learn more about life insurance and how it might help the future generations of your family.


Creating riches that will last generations is a challenging but admirable task. After taking care of your finances, you must protect your family’s future. Take the time to teach your kids about money and develop a family wealth-building strategy that works for you!