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Modern Leadership: Thriving Despite Challenges
Leadership, Strategy
16 June 202122 min read

Globalization, significant technological advancements, environmental challenges, evolving needs of employees, and industry uncertainty – these are all challenges modern...

Building a StoryBrand
Book Reviews
10 June 20214 min read

Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller is a must-read for anyone looking to clarify their brand’s message and effectively...

Team Topologies
Book Reviews
25 February 20213 min read

Create a high-performing organization that can adapt to change with Team Topologies by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais. This...

Business, Strategy
23 February 202121 min read

Congratulations – you’ve made it to $1 million in your business! How does it feel? The long hours, sleepless...

Passive Prospecting
Book Reviews
20 February 20214 min read

Passive Prospecting by Levi Lascsak and Travis Plumb shows a new way to grow your business. That’s using YouTube...

The Coaching Habit
Book Reviews
19 February 20215 min read

The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier shows a simple, effective way to lead through coaching. Instead of giving...

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