Let’s kick things off by talking about Mac Lackey and his program ExitDNA. Mac is a six time founder who’s built and sold businesses for seven and eight figure exits. So he’s been in the trenches. Even if you’re not thinking about selling your business right now, his whole deal is showing you how to structure your business so that it’s efficient, profitable and exit ready. Why is this helpful? Because when you plan for a potential exit, you tighten everything up anyway. From operations to branding which makes your business better to run day to day. So why wait until you’re planning on selling? Having a better run day to day business is going to help you now. So even if you are planning on selling, working with Mac is really impactful. Max frameworks are practical and as personalized coaching gives you the roadmap to create long term value. I’ve been to many of Mac’s lectures through different business groups. I’ve always walked away with incredible value and a long list of to do’s to incorporate into my organization. If you’re thinking of selling good, go check Mac out. If you’d like your business to run better, go check Mac out. Otherwise, just go read some of his stuff because it’s going to really strike some stuff. There’s some great YouTube videos you can go listen to the episode where we interview him. A lot to take away. We’ll put that all in the show notes but let’s keep going.
Next up is Kevin Bees from ProfitHive. Kevin’s known as Australia’s leading profit maximization expert and for good reason. He and his team will dive into your numbers, show you where money’s slipping through the cracks, and then help you plug those leaks, sometimes finding six figures in under an hour. It’s not just about spotting problems though. Kevin helps you align your financial strategy with your bigger picture. It’s what we talk a lot about and the importance of. I do a lot of this when it comes to marketing and sales. Kevin does this from a financial strategy really trying to help you focus on what your big picture is because what you do with your finances really should evolve out of that. So if you’ve ever looked at your revenue and then your profit and thought, why isn’t my profit higher given all the amount of money we’re making? He’s your guy. Once your profits are dialed in, you’re free to invest in the growth opportunities you’ve been eyeing from inside your company to outside. And you know, look, just having the comfort of knowing you’re making more profits out of what you do, it’s a great feeling.
Now let’s move to The Email Marketers headed by Melanie Balke. If you’ve felt like customers come once and then vanish, her customer retention toolkit is a game changer. It includes 16 pre built email flows and 22 real life case studies, all designed to transfer one and done buyers into raving repeat customers. The magic here is the personalization they provide. Think about how you’d want your own inbox to look meaningful. Messages that feel less like spam and more like helpful friends checking in. That’s how Melanie’s team teaches you to nurture relationships and keep the conversation going. When your audience feels generally seen, sales tend to take care of themselves. I met Melanie through various different business groups where some of these really hardcore ecommerce guys were raving about her. So I had to go introduce myself and learn about what she was doing. You know these bros, you know these ecommerce if you see them and they’re raving about someone, you know that they have a great service. So go check out The Email Marketers really can help you grow your sales. And look having a better understanding of your customers for even though this is specifically around email will help you just grow your own business overall. So well worth checking out.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the day to day tasks that come with being an entrepreneur? Nathan Hirsch’s Outsource School shines. Nathan and his partners grew their businesses to eight figures by hiring virtual assistants for everything from lead generation to backend operations. Go check out the Hoth. That was an amazing exit those guys had. So then he turned around and packaged his systems into easy to follow orders and frameworks like the Barf method. Sounds gross, but works like a charm so you can quickly learn how to delegate without feeling like you’re giving up control. Imagine freeing yourself from the daily grind so you can focus on what you do best, steering the ship and coming up with big ideas that drive growth. Now for years I’ve been using Outsource School. That’s the foundation for much of the workflow processes we use within my organization for some of the smaller companies I have in the podcast. What I love about it is they are so strong from the workflow and really quickly easy to use, but they’re also flexible enough that you can start customizing them. So go check it out. I’ve been using it for years and really it really accelerated so much of what I’ve done.
Finally, there’s my own contribution. Beyond CMO is something I’ve been working on for quite a while. It’s something I’ve been working with private equity firms, VC shops, and a lot of other entrepreneurs that I’ve known over the years to help them grow both from my own marketing and sales and just entrepreneurial background, but also just from bringing in the life experiences I’ve had of having been a multiple entrepreneurs and making a lot of mistakes and getting lucky along the way. So this is kind of wrapping everything together. I found that even the most driven founders can feel stuck or uncertain about the next step. This is why I’m offering a lifetime consultation to help you strategize across marketing, revenue, growth, personal branding, whatever. You need to push through that ceiling as many meetings as long as you want for the rest of our lives. It’s just one payment and done. I’m there. You can set up as many times as you like. I will always be there for what you need. Whether you’re courting investors or just looking for a fresh perspective, I’m here to help you get clear on your goals and how to reach them. Think of it like having a permanent strategic partner who’s been around the block ready to share insights that can save you time, money and a lot of headaches. Like I said, this is really built to be the permanent advisor. You need to take your entrepreneurial growth to the highest level and I’m really excited to help you do that.
So what ties all these partners together? Mac, Kevin, Melanie, Nathan and me, is that we’ve all walked this road ourselves. We know the frustrations and high of owning a business and being an entrepreneur and we’re all about helping you succeed but cutting through the noise. So here’s the thing. Since the giveaway is over and you probably didn’t win, since you’re listening to this episode, instead of going celebrating, don’t let this stop you from digging deeper into these resources. Down in the show notes in the email and our socials, we’ll have links to all these programs. Go check them out. Go learn from them. If you’re really interested, go talk to them about working with them. You will not be disappointed. Pick the one area in your business that’s been bothering you the most. Maybe the profits. Maybe it’s your email marketing. Maybe it’s even delegation. And check out that person who’s solving exactly that problem. Even small tips or quick wins can snowball into massive progress if you apply them consistently.
Thank you for tuning in. I truly believe that success comes faster when you’ve got the right guidance and these partners are living proof. Keep pushing, keep exploring. If you have any breakthroughs from what you’ve learned here, let me know. I love hearing these stories. So until next time, stay inspired, keep building. I’ll catch you on the next episode of Beyond 8 Figures. Bye-bye.